Thursday, December 3, 2009

Public Bathrooms

This post involves some bathroom humor, literally. I just went to the bathroom to tinkle and the only other person in the restroom was a girl pacing back and forth talking on her cell phone. This bothers me for many reasons:

1- I think it is disgusting to talk on a device that you hold to your mouth in a room used by the public to urinate and defecate. I won't go into leaving toothbrushes in the bathroom but in your own house you have some control.

2-I think it's an invasion of privacy, my privacy. If I wanted someone in a remote location to be privy to my bodily processes I would have peed in the street.

3-Finally, I think it is awkward. What do you say as you come out of the stall? "Tell your mom Hi for me!"

Am I wrong to assume some level of privacy even in a public bathroom?

All right, I am done with that rant.


Amy said...

I used to talk on my cell phone in the bathroom of the school of education in the wintertime because during my first semester or so it was the only place indoors that I could get reliable reception. But I only did it when the call was absolutely necessary. And only when the room was safely empty of people going about any sort of regular bathroom business.

Kirsten said...

I am sure Larry Craig would agree with you.

Jess said...

I knew it wouldn't be long until that reference was brought up.

ego non said...

Please tell me you did ask how her mom was.