Saturday, February 7, 2009

New Camera= Lot's of pictures

I thought since last week's entry was a very wordy entry about my camera, this week I would just share picture I have been taking.  Here are some from a room mate plus Todd and Leilani date night (RMPTLDN) last weekend in AA. Ann Arbor has a annual ice caring festival in which businesses commission something about their business to be temporarily memorialized through ice. If everyone in these picture looks like their freezing it's because they are.  

This is outside Chase bank. I thought we should vandalize it because of the mess the banking system has got our country in but I bank there, so no vandalism occurred. 

One of my favorite places, a chocolate store. We went in to buy truffles and get warm, mmmmmmm!

Outside another chocolate store.

Todd by the Acme ice sculpture. He hates posing but I made him because he is an Engineer and I always equate Acme with engineering. 

Stephanie and Mike outside a delicious little Italian place. For those who don't know Stephanie has spent the last couple of summers in Italy doing operas, thus she is the perfect model for the picture. 

Finally Micah, (the boy who agreed to accompany me on RMPTLDN) drinking a cold one. 


Kirsten said...

I think the Chase ice sculpture will last long past the cold winter months, because banks are cold hearted entities that make babies cry grown men weep, and block out all warmth from the sun.

ego non said...

So many chocolate shops. Heavenly.

mike and chenoa said...

I love ice sculptures! I like Kirst's observation too.