Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Sunday I had what I can only describe as a bout of vertigo. It was very uncomfortable and even a little frightening. However now I feel like I can better relate to two stars that don't have vertigo but play like they do on TV or in the movies, Jimmy Stewart and Liza Minelli. I hope this condition doesn't turn chronic and debilitating like so many of my other chronic conditions that are not recognized by the medical world.


Solomon and Lyndsie said...

Vertigo is the craziest thing ever! I get bouts of it once in a while too. I'm surprised it doesn't make me vomit because I get motion sickness just driving in the car. I'm glad you are feeling better though!

Kirsten said...

Yes, if only the medical establishment would recognize a "whirlpool of terror." Maybe it is this condition that republicans are hung upon in the health care bill.