Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I'm Annoying!

I've always been somewhat easily annoyed by others (though in my defense I have relaxed a lot these last few years). Today I learned how annoying I am. I've always had a hunch that I am annoying but now there is a scale to measure it by. It is brought to you by none other than my favorite news source, NPR.

While the screen shot below says I scored a 2.8 I actually got a 2.99 on my first try, which is .10 more annoying than the average person. Unfortunately I don't know if that is significant difference from the mean but I always knew I was above average. According to this scale my even saying that makes me more annoying. This scales is fun so here's the link. Enjoy and let me know if you beat my score, whatever that means:)


Elizabeth Downie said...

Too funny. I took the quiz too and got a higher score than you on arrogance. I'm not bragging.

Carrie said...

I'm also more arrogant than you. But less picky, and only slightly less irritating. So, do you believe it?

Jake said...

I don't remember you being annoying. I scored 2.46 - I don't know what that means. They didn't provide a very complete set of descriptive statistics.

Kirsten Treff said...

I'm more picky and about the same on the other two - who knew?! I listened to that story on my way to work last week, thanks for the follow up post!

ego non said...

There should be a score for how easily one is annoyed. I'm a gazillion on that scale.

Kristen said...

2.25. That is my report.