Sunday, April 20, 2008


I often use words in conversation that I think I know the meaning of but afterwards I look up to make sure I used it right. Here's the most recent.


1 : a mania for great or grandiose performance .
2 : a delusional mental disorder that is marked by feelings of personal omnipotence and grandeur.

I have used it several time to describe a certain African dictator of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe. I would really like to be in on a psychological evaluation of this man. I am sure multiple disorders would be diagnosed. The reality is for now though he will continue to spend all his efforts and countries resources trying to maintain his power instead of ameliorating the hellish condition in which his people live, 80% unemployment, 100,000% inflation. Ahhhhhh! That's my first reaction to all of this.


mike and chenoa said...

It would be interesting to really get into the heads of many of the world's leaders. I think many more of this world's inhabitants are dangerously crazy than we know. The sad thing is when some of those crazies obtain significant power.

Kirsten said...

Excellent use of the word Jessica. The sad thing about the crazy megalomaniacs in our government is that they are actually pulling the strings of the crazy one in charge.