Monday, March 23, 2009

Tribute to Kirsten

It turns out my sister,  Kirsten has been sick lately and I, being a very bad sister, was not aware of it, and the fact that she is in a foreign country only makes my neglect more gross.  In order to make it up to her I am writing this blog as a tribute to her. 

Kirsten is a uniting force. Look at her in the picture bringing together life long arch enemies, Mike and Matt, with a simple hand holding and a singing of Kumbaya. 

And even though she can be a little testy sometimes...

She's not afraid to take ahold of the reins and get the party started. 

She's particularly useful in orchestrating a family photo. (She's the little one in front turned around telling everyone else what to do.)

Did I mention she is really smart? Here she is reading the first draft of her master's thesis to Aunt Vicky and Uncle John. 

Oh yeah,  Kirsten has great hair! It's like mine but black and curly:)

I hope you are completely recovered Kirsten and know the you are loved in the old USA. May this tribute warm your heart until you meet the writer in the flesh.  

Here's one more super cute picture. 

The End


mike and chenoa said...

That's the second blog tribute to Kirsten this year. I think I may have to do one too. But I don't have all the cute baby pictures...

Kirsten said...

Wow, thanks for the tribute. I have mended many rift by joining hands and leading a round of kumbaya. Ending the Cold The Campbell's and the Cola wars between Pepsi and Coca

My current project, Yoko Ono and the remaining Beatles.

Kirsten Treff said...

I feel tricked...seeing the title, I thought this would be about me:) But, I am glad to know there are other great 'Kirsten's out there!

Elizabeth said...

you may be Kirsten's favorite now for blog attention...but we are naming our first born after her and are hoping to cury favor for years to come...its on jessie! (bring it!)